Friday, April 26, 2013

Mr. Kim~ Where are you? :(

I've no idea what I feel right now~
Why I always have a bad mood when thinking about that ''stranger'', huh??
He's not even mine, but why??
I wish this jealousy can fade away from my real feeling~

Mr. Kim~ Will you gives me a second chance??
I leave you, since I'm in confuse situation on that day~
I leave you on your birthday, since I already decided last year that I'm gonna celebrate your birthday together with you, even in facebook~
<////////3 I know I was a bad chingu for you~ I'm really sorry~

That's not my intent to hurt you, I just being slapped by my ego and selfishness~
I let them wins, and makes you sad~
I hope you didn't become heartless because of me~

My love story was so worst than you, 
That's a bad moment I ever been through, but it's okay~
I already accept it without any little regret~^^''

I hope our love story, being more sweetest and sweetest than other couple!
I didn't mean ''our'' is you and me~ Hahaha, I don't want any people misunderstand it too~
Since, I always remembering you whether on sad or happy moment,
I wish you always be here~

I'm sorry if you think I just want to take a granted on your friendship,
I never mean that~
Trust me, and we will be a greatest friend ever, Mr. Kim ! :)

I miss you, really miss to talk with you~ I guess I have to wait for another month to talk with you^^''
Or maybe a 2, 3 month, or a year~ XD

Take care ne, Mr. Kim !! :')